Young Hands Quilting

During the 2017-2018 school year at Forest Grove Elementary I led students from Kindergarten to Grade 7 in an eight month community building project. This project was designed to connect students to the artistry and craft of quilt making and to increase their knowledge concerning the impacts of the textile industry worldwide.


All students in the school created a 4 by 4-inch square. Different surface design techniques were used to create each square including embroidery and acrylic painting with stencils and stamps. Students were encouraged to use the seasons and nature as their inspiration and created individual pieces that were then sewn by older students into four panels. Students also quilted, named, and finished off the details on each quilt. Many parent volunteers also dedicated their time.

This project resulted in the creation of four art quilts that remain on display in Forest Grove Elementary, and one queen size bed quilt which was raffled off to raise funds for the school.

This project was funded through an ArtStarts In Schools Artist in the Classroom Grant.


UDHR Quilts


Covid-19 Global Quilt